Anti Flea

Protect your pet with the right flea and tick control products for dogs. Behintaam co, has dog flea control items including sprays, collars and more


Ticks and fleas on dogs and cats are not just annoying – but can also pose a real threat to the beloved pet. Anti Flea products from Dr.Clauder keep uninvited guests away, quite naturally and nontoxic. This is achieved through the deliberate exploitation of certain mechanisms of the pests, with the result that the animal is no longer attractive to the pest, due to certain odors imperceptible to humans. But if a flea does land on a dog or cat, the altered skin milieu acts in a way that the pest does not recognise the animal as prey. The pest wanders about in the coat until it dies, if it was not previously brushed off. In addition, we offer a vicinity spray to combat the pests directly at the breeding grounds


Fleas can be very unpleasant for both your dog and your home, and we offers several trusted products for dog flea treatment. For complete flea control, it’s recommended that your dog is treated every four to eight weeks.